Sunday, September 19, 2010

1st on line and PHRF B&G SIMRAD triple series

Getting the jib up pre start (source: SSANZ)
 Well... in short. First SSANZ did a great job in deciding to start racing in such boisterous conidtions. We had our ups and downs over the 27nm heavy weather course, but came out on top finishing 1st on line, 3rd on PHRF, a result that enabled us to win the shorthaul series on line, PHRF and shortest elapsed time of any boat on our course.

We were very greatful to our fellow Gulf Harbour 2- handed sailors who helped us celebrate our win and shared their race experience with us. Usually, we arrive back at the marina, not knowing our results and having no one to compare war stories with.

Today Rob and I spent the day washing the boat out with a hose, washing sails and making a list of all the
things that need to be done before the Coastal Classic.

I will write a longer report tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Super stuff guys! Such a great effort. See you in the sunny Bay of Islands after the Coastal and we'll help you celebrate and share experiences all over again.
