Monday, July 5, 2010

SIMRAD 50 report

The SIMRAD start from the Spencer and Byron WebCam.

A 9:05 start in the harbour had us leaving Gulf Harbour at 6am on Saturday. I has been lucky enough to be granted a full nights sleep, given the fact that the monster in me comes out when I do not sleep the night before a race, Rob finshed the boat and got only 4 hours sleep.

The SIMARD 50 was a race against the tide literally. We started heading directly into an incomming tide. The wind was light, we had great plans of sailing towards the Rangitoto shore where Expedition showed less tide, and also the tide was going to change earlier there. We finally got there, but did spend some time in a raftup of boats under North Head.

After Rangitoto lighthouse (13:30 ish) we heading to the eastern tip of Motutapu Island, the wind was north east. Then beared away and hugged the Motutapu coast, gybing into each of the Bays to keep out of the tide, which was rushing out, and once again comming from the direction we wanted to go to.

Finally we passed Motuihe and realised it was going to be late when we finshed. East we sailed to Passage Rk, we could see the leaders and it was just a matter of sticking at. We dropped the kite early at Passage rk and were finally homeward bound. The tide turned so it was once again comming from the direction we were sailing to.

Rob who had now only had 4 hours sleep in 36 hours, took the helm and I trimmed the sails and we boosted our way back to the finish. We finished at 10pm, 5th on line and 6th on PHRF. Both of us were pretty happy with the race.

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