Sunday, March 4, 2012


I have been somewhat put on the spot the last two days to come up with a departure time from Golden Bay for the 3 boats sheltering to head south. The problem is that no one is keen on the big waves left over from the weather this week AND no one wants to see more than 30 knots… difficult call.

Today might be the day, the forecast for Stephens is for 15 knots, and the swell forecast is for the swells to be less than 3 m and in the same direction as the wind by early evening. We are now faced with little wind to actually leave, however it is suppose to build up to 15 knots in the afternoon, and this coupled with better sea states in the evening make it look promising. The only problem is a departure today sets us up to meet a front near Milford sound. Not good.

How are Rob and I going? Well OK, we have both been getting a little sleep, unfortunately not as much as we would have liked. Both of us are feeling a little glum and I suppose we are both aware that once we leave here it is “Stewart Island or bust”.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes guys for a great sail to SI, you guys were one of the toughest in the last RNI and you doing is again...Hats off to you!!!
