Tuesday, February 28, 2012

west Coast

We are semi becalmed, I say semi as we are still moving, but in the way
a dinghy sailor moves forward when they pump their mainsail standing up,
to race back to the beach when racing is cancelled. In our case the boom
is tied firmly out and the pumping of the sail come care of a left over
swell in the Tasman.

I have just download the 6 am positions, and it lools like all of us are
in little wind. We are pressing offshore in a hope to position ourselves
well for the front either today or tommorrow.

Rob is sound asleep which is excellent, and Marina our Nexus Auto Pilot
is in control, she is going a great job. Not sure what the day will
bring, but some more light winds would suit morale on the boat, we could
iron out the last touches of our setup down stairs before the breeze
gets to us.

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