Sunday, February 23, 2014

leg 4 day 3 ... wet

It is quiet hard to write these with everyone seeing the tracker and knowing exactly what we are up to. Anyway,the description of the conditions on Coppelia are WET. We sailing at 45- 60 deg AWA, meaning not low enough to catch waves, not high enough to ride over them, just the right angle to plough through them. Morale is OK, thou we have been enjoying some our last hours at sea, laughing when we both thought WHite Island meant we were nearly home. Currently 2 reefs, #3 boat speed 8.5 knots. See you soon


1 comment:

  1. Go Sally and Rob!
    been following you avidly round the nth island. well done yous... again!)nearly) will wave from the deck (just above the naval museum) if I'm up/home as you come thru, melanie gatfield
