Friday, March 9, 2012


We made a call yesterday evening(in the very light forecast)to work the
coast to see if we could get local effects. I think it worked for us. We
went from tacking down the coast to reaching then running without
stopping. It is true that we have felt totally sick about letting the
rest of the fleet go through the weather we have been quite low about
that but....
This is unreal. We have 25 miles to go to Puyseger (the infamous bottom
corner of the south island possibly the windiest part of NZ) We have our
Code 0 up in a light offshore doing 6.5 knots on course. This may be the
only day this year that Puyseger is like this. So its been magic. The
opportunity see this like this is a once in a lifetime, I wont say its
all been worth it quite yet, but we are putting big credits back in the
bank! Just cannot describe how beautiful, stunning, dont think the
postcards will be enough but we got some. Think we just got sight of
Pelagian II.
We have 118NM to go, same as a Coastal Classic race will take about 20
hours at this rate but we are hoping to get quicker as the day goes on,
the forecast is a building northerly I would love to finish by first
light tomorrow, but am enjoying the ride either way.


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  1. Hey guys - so pleased you're having a great sail to finish the leg. Post some pictures when you get in.

    You made a good call to get out of the weather - you always have to go with your gut feeling at the time. Don't get hung up on that at all. Restrospect is a grand thing!

    It was so gutting when we had to retire from the last race. We would rather have finished above everything else. You're still out there and you have to cherish the experience still.

    Enjoy the rest of the leg and we look forward to seeing a strong showing from you guys on the trip back north.

  2. Great run overnight! Enjoy the rest of your trip and forget the past. It is water under the bridge. Your most recent experience is a great sail down the most Southern coast of NZL! Keep on trucking....
    Take care
    Marie and Charles

  3. Enjoy the run home are so close! What would you rather have...champagne sailing or the 70knots that Revs and Sunstone's knockdown encountered at Puysegur??...its finishing in one piece that counts...first to win you have to finish as they say. Leg 3 looms soon good luck for the leg to Napier and rest up well in Stewart Island .

  4. Hey Rob always bear in mind the ultimate achievement is to get around the track with no damage to boat or crew. Good decisions are sometimes bitter. Grand sailing you two!! Safe sailing Murray and Jill
