Friday, November 18, 2011

Recce – Golden Bay

In the last few months I have been developing a database of places to take shelter or where we can go in an emergency. Having the information ready will save us time, and also money on internet costs. Last weekend, Rob, Neil, Nick and I went to Golden Bay, to amongst other things look at the facilities available.

PB133231 Golden Bay Cement Marina

At the old Golden Bay cement facility, there is now a great habour, the break water is large enough that cars drive on it! There is no facility for getting the boat out of the water here, but it is definitely a safe place if required. The boys also checked out the quality of the local beer in case of emergencies !

Finally, a trip to the  South Island with Neil, is never complete without a lighthouse… this time we stayed in one in Ligar Bay.

PB133218 Rob and the Lighthouse

This weekend sees a return to boat work, in preparation for our last race before the Round New Zealand on November 25th . The goal for this weekend is install and test our new NEXUS Auto pilot, as well as fit our satellite communication gear.

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