Expedition Coppelia has over the last two weeks has had a new set of house batteries and a second alternator fitted by Steve Cranch and supplied by Enertec Marine Systems.
Enertec is a New Zealand company (like all of our sponsors and suppliers) and has been a respected supplier to virtually all New Zealand Boatbuilders for over 20 years. A comprehensive sales and design service is available ensuring the most effective and efficient use of the companies products. Designs to comply with any recognised international standards are available. The service that Colin and his team provided us was fantastic, we both are very greatful for his assistance.
Steve fits the alternator while Neil wires the batteries.
The new 130 Amp alternator is attached to Next Step 2 Regulator, which has a soft start on it, this enables our motor run more smoothly. There is also a switch to enable us to turn off the alternator if we need to divert all the power to the prop, or if we are having trouble starting the engine. Or want to motor faster…. The new house batteries are 3 x150 Amp Toyama hybrid gel cells, this gives us enough electricity to run for 3-4 days without needing to recharge our batteries if required. The Next Step 2 and the new alternator enables full recharge of one days electricity use in less than one hour.
The installation was complete by Steve and Neil who have both given us a large number of hours of their own time to help. Thanks!
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