Tuesday, May 24, 2011

expeditioncoppelia.com 1 year “on air” today


Today, May 24th is 1 year since this site went to air. In the past 12 months we have tried our best to keep you informed of our adventures and hopefully provide you with incite into what short crewed sailing is about.



Since May 24th 2010 Rob and I have raced about ~1900 nautical miles together and have achieved a series of good results. Away from the results we have made huge improvements in the setup and sailing of Coppelia. In the past year we have replaced 5 sails, including the main kindly helped by Tasman Bay Navigation Systems and Expedition.  Rob has rebuilt the galley, nav station and remodelled the stern half of the boat. Neil and I have built a navigation system. This list of boat work completed is phenomenal, and unlike the results often is untold. Today, Expedition Coppelia is at a very different standard of preparation to 12 months ago, ready to fine tune our performance.

In the 8 weeks to the start of a new season  we have some very exciting additions that will be made to the boat, including a new set of NEXUS NXR electronics…. more details soon.

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